Reload grid issue

QuestionsReload grid issue
Christian asked 11 years ago


I have an issue, I have the developer version 1.5, I bought two days ago, mi email for this purchase was [email protected].

The issue is when I save a new or old register and I click in save, the dialog box does not dissapear and the grid does not refresh.

I searched about grid options in community, I do not if the version is not the right version or exist other options.

Please comment about this issue.



2 Answers
Christian answered 11 years ago

I forgot say the dialog box do not close automatically, the information is updated correctly.

I see the updated information when I press in button reload.


Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello Garcia,

Check using firebug if there is any JS error.
By default, it should close it.

If not resolved, email me code for review at [email protected]

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