reloadedit not working with Array as data source

Questionsreloadedit not working with Array as data source
Gurdeep Sembi asked 8 years ago

Hi Abu,

I am using a PHP array as a data source but cannot get the reloadedit to work.

We have a custom event handler for the on_update event and once this is carried out, I wanted the grid to refresh as it does for the standard data source.

How can this be achieved?


3 Answers
Gurdeep Sembi answered 8 years ago

Hi Abu,

I saw this post in the forum:

How can we refresh the data array used for the grid on update?


Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Emailed you demo.

Gurdeep Sembi answered 8 years ago

Thanks very much Abu, will try it out.

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