requirejs integration

Questionsrequirejs integration
Chisum asked 5 years ago

is there any requirejs integration magento2 uses it and I really dislike everything about it but I have to use it for this client.  I just keep phpgrid out of the requirejs, the only problem is that there’s no way to delay jQuery being called on load with phpgrid, and any hooks I write to make jquery global aren’t ready yet because requirejs is slow.  I’d need a way to delay the jQuery calls of phpgrid at all until I choose to fire them.  Simply having jQuery load from a script tag breaks other modules that use requirejs and jquery on the page because requirejs should never be used by anyone for any reason.

6 Answers
Abu answered 5 years ago


I’ve not tested it with requriejs. Give me some time and i’ll update you back.

Abu answered 5 years ago

One solution could be to move all initialization JS code inside a function and call it when you need.

Edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php

Find this code segment:

< script >
var phpgrid = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id?>”);
var phpgrid_pager = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id.”_pager”?>”);
var fx_ajax_file_upload;
var fx_replace_upload;


<?php echo $this->render_js($grid_id,$out);?>
< /script >

and then wrap it in a funciton, e.g.

< script >
function phpgrid_init()
var phpgrid = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id?>”);
var phpgrid_pager = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id.”_pager”?>”);
var fx_ajax_file_upload;
var fx_replace_upload;


<?php echo $this->render_js($grid_id,$out);?>
< /script >

This way, grid will not call any jQuery code until you call phpgrid_init() function.

Hope it helps.

Abu answered 5 years ago

A little correction, to make phpgrid global JS available, you need to move function vars outside phpgrid_init() declaration.

— script start —
var fx_ajax_file_upload;
var fx_replace_upload;
var fx_bulk_update;
var fx_bulk_unrequire;
var fx_get_dropdown;
var fx_reload_dropdown;
var fx_grid_resize;
var fx_show_form;
var fx_tooltip_init;
var fx_show_view_dialog;

function phpgrid_init()
var phpgrid = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id?>”);
var phpgrid_pager = jQuery(“#<?php echo $grid_id.”_pager”?>”);

<?php echo $this->render_js($grid_id,$out);?>

— script end —

Also declare this var outside phpgrid_init:
var fx_tooltip_init;

and replace:
function fx_tooltip_init()

fx_tooltip_init = function ()

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Just wanted to know if your issue is solved?

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Chisum answered 5 years ago

I keep getting some return not in function error I\’ll have to try again soon

Chisum answered 5 years ago

Your code worked I just had to deal with caching.

I got it to load error free but it was a nightmare for something that would have been braindead simple and no extra work otherwise.   Screw requirejs.


paths: {
//’jqjquery’: ‘/phpgrid/lib/js/jquery.min’,
‘grid-en’: ‘/phpgrid/lib/js/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en’,
‘jqgrid’: ‘/phpgrid/lib/js/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min’,
‘jq-ui’: ‘/phpgrid/lib/js/themes/jquery-ui.custom.min’,
shim: {
/*’jqjquery’: {
‘grid-en’: {
‘jqgrid’: {
‘jq-ui’: {

require([‘jquery’,’grid-en’,’jqgrid’,’jq-ui’], function(jQuery) {

window.$ = jQuery;
window.jQuery = jQuery;

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