responsive footer

Questionsresponsive footer
BiLe asked 5 years ago


I am having little issues with responsive layout. Attached you see an injected table, using regularlabs sourcerer. It does work, but CSS seems to be off. Settings:

// set a few parameters of the grid
$opts[“caption”] = “”;
$opts[“autowidth”] = true;
$ops[“autoresize”] = true;
$opts[“resizable”] = true;
$opts[“shrinkToFit”] = true;
$opts[“loadtext”] = “…”;
$opts[“rowList”] = array(10,100,1000);
$opts[“height”] = “100%”;
$opts[“multiselect”] = true;
$opts[“cellEdit”] = true;
$opts[“altRows”] = false;
$opts[“pgbuttons”] = true;
$opts[“viewrecords”] = true;
$opts[“tooltip”] = false;
$opts[“actionicon”] = true;
$opts[“toolbar”] = “bottom”;
$opts[“add_options”][“success_msg”] = “Daten hinzugefügt”;
$opts[“edit_options”][“success_msg”] = “Daten aktualisiert”;
$opts[“delete_options”][“success_msg”] = “Daten gelöscht”;
$opts[“edit_options”][“success_msg_bulk”] = “Daten aktualisiert”;

There is a fixed width with my footer (inline), and most toolbar options are overlapping. Could you check your code with this? I am using Balbooa Gridbox theme.


Actually I am trying to create an excel like design, using inline editing. The way it looks right now is fine, but the bottom toolbar needs some fixing. Or did I do something wrong with the Options.

Thank you

2 Answers
BiLe answered 5 years ago

Table is not resizing with browser window as well. Only when I refresh page, table will adjust.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

If you can share online link, it would help resolving fast. Otherwise it might take time to setup exact scenario and check this case.

You can email me detail at [email protected]

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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