Responsive text (or no text at all) in toolbar

QuestionsResponsive text (or no text at all) in toolbar
Arie asked 7 years ago

Hope Your doing OK.
I have a question  with respect to responsive grid
The Toolbar titles do not shrink as I use the grid in reduced form.
The [EXCEL] and [PDF] text in the Toolbar do not shrink enough and are overlapping eachother.
Is there a way to reduce the size of this text or preferably have no text at all (only onhover/title) in shrinked environment (less than 320px)?

Thanks for a great job well done!

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago

Responsive behavior of grid can be enabled by:
$opt[“responsive”] = true;

You can review code and demo here:

As you are using classic theme (crisp small font), we have not quite tested responsive behavior on it and it’s not maintained anymore.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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