row limit

Questionsrow limit
Ronald asked 10 years ago


I have a table with 10.000 records. I want to show ALL records, without paging. My code:

$grid ["rowNum"] = 10000;
$grid["rowList"] = array();
$grid["pgbuttons"] = false;
$grid["pgtext"] = null;

Grid show "loading" and after some time crash my browser. Is there any record limit for phpgrid?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Only set:

$grid["scroll"] = true;

It make paging onscroll event, and load only what is required minimizing browser's memory.

Siupo Lam replied 7 years ago


I faced the same issue, but if I add $grid[“scroll”] = true, previous/next page buttons will be hidden. Thanks to advise!

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