rowactions depeding on value in master grid

Questionsrowactions depeding on value in master grid
Oliver asked 9 years ago

Hi Abu,

I am trying to show or hide the rowaction icons in the slave table.

But they should only be shown, if in the master table the value of a given cell is true. Therefore I subgridparams="invoice" this cell to the slave. In the slave I am doing this: $value = intval($_GET["invoice"]). Later I have this code:
$grid->set_actions(array( …..
"rowactions" => $value,

Unfortuantely this does not work. It seems as if this value can NOT be changed but has to be "hardcoded".

Or am I making a mistake?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Yes, thats true. This value should be hardcoded.
What you can do is to disable edit/delete operation when certain cell value is true.

For this, you need to set master column value as slave grid sql.
$company = $_GET["invoice"];
$grid->select_command = "SELECT id,client_id,invdate,amount,tax,note,total,'$invoice' as 'invoice' FROM invheader WHERE client_id = $id";

Second, create a invoice column in slave grid, that will have master grid value (static).

Apply column access JS code to disable edit/del operations when invoice value of selected row is true.
Refer demos/editing/column-access.php for js demo.

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