Rows not showing in detail grid.

QuestionsRows not showing in detail grid.
Raúl Torner asked 6 years ago

Hi Abu,

I’m using your grid for two or three months and I firstly want to congratulate you because of the work done!!! Awesome!

So, now let’s go with the issue I’m having…

It happends with a master-detalil grid, and after following the example code and reading in forums, I haven’t found a solution…

The problem is that the resulting rows of the “detail grid” don’t appear, however the “total results count” text is correct and showing ok. (I attach screenshots ( and code (


Thanks in advance, with best regards!


Raúl Torner – Speedsix Development

[email protected]





1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago


Most likely it’s due to some JS error which can be checked by browser debug console F12.

You can also try setting roweffect to false in detail grid:

$grid[“roweffect”] = true;

If still not solved, you can email me ([email protected]) test database dump to regenerate case here.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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