Save entire grid data

QuestionsSave entire grid data
Sri asked 10 years ago


Is there a way to save the entire grid data with single save button?


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


Following code have save-all button that saves all default edit rows.

To test, You can override this code in demos/editing/default-edit sample.

Sri answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks a lot for this code. It worked as intended.

I have a couple of read only select dropdowns on the grid. The are not editable and they are available on Add Screen.

When I make all the row editable(Edit All), I am seeing complete text from the dropdown option instead of the value that usually displays when dropdowns are disabled.

This is not happening when I do inline edit.

Please let me know hoe to fix it.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

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