saving json

Questionssaving json
Kyu Kim asked 2 years ago


This is  example of loading json from the forum.

You can fetch this data from database using php-mysql standard functions and convert it in php array. This array can be supplied as datasource for grid.

To load grid from array, you can review demos/loading/load-array.php


I have postgres database with id,json as database field containing json data like the sample above.
How can I save it using the rest events?
Or is there simple way to edit the json on the grid. (Current it does not let you)


2 Answers
Kyu answered 2 years ago

Search google found this:
Save local array back to database

I think same thing can be done with grid php.
Having sample will be great!

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

Yes, You can refer this demo:

Most likely you need to first fetch the data from database using some query: e.g.

$g = new jqgrid(..);
$rs = $g->get_all("SELECT id,json FROM tab");

and then iterate on $rs and load json to data array of grid.

To insert, update, delete these values, Please refer callback events:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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