
Massimo Gagliardi asked 11 years ago

I have 2 problem with the search functionality:
1. I must to click 2 times on the search's icon to show the search dialog; there is a motif? you can do with one only click?
2. when I click on the find button of the search's dialog this remains open; is it possible to close it?
Thanks in advance
Massimo Gagliardi

5 Answers
Dennis denHollander answered 11 years ago

Yes I have the same problem!

In addition, the autofilter seems incompatible with the search. I am not able to filter 1 column, then search in another column. They seem to override one another.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

For double search button click issue, you need to apply a fix.
Edit jqgrid_dist.php and goto code as in link, and add 'return true;' as last line.

@Dennis, you are correct, both work independent. I'll log it in todo fixes list.

Massimo Gagliardi answered 11 years ago

Thanks for the help and the usual availability.
I remain with an open question.
Is't possible to automating the close of the search dialog after the action on find button ?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

You can set:

$opt["search_options"]["closeAfterSearch"] = true;


Massimo Gagliardi answered 11 years ago

That's all !

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