search form with field not on grid

Questionssearch form with field not on grid
Ed K asked 2 years ago

Is there a way to create a search form against fields that do not exist on the grid.  Example:

  • Order header
  • Order detail lines (include ITEM column)

Grid only includes columns from Order Header, but we need to include search form to filter only Orders that contain item number in it’s details.

SQL would be something like:

select orderNumber, orderStatus

from orderHeader

where orderNumber in (select detailNumber from orderDetail where  detailItem like [search_item] or [search item] = ‘ ‘)


2 Answers
Ed K answered 2 years ago

Also, will need a way to pass the filtered item value to subgrid(s)

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

Currently this level of WHERE clause is not supported. You need to have this field in select query to use filter.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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