search per column when there are duplicates

Questionssearch per column when there are duplicates
BiLe asked 3 years ago


I have noticed the following with the grid.

I have a “text” field which is a title. E.g.:

1. This is a title
2. This is another title

In database I Select unique titles and search per column works.

However, when I Select all titles and duplicates, search per column does not filter the list.

1. This is a title
2. This is a title
3. This is another title
4. This is another title

A searchable column has to be unique?

3 Answers
BiLe answered 3 years ago

I think I have just found the reason:

$g->select_command = “SELECT
app_id = 6
app_id = 17

Because II am using a WHERE with my custom sql query, it looks like the search can’t handle duplicates.

Is there a better way of writing my WHERE clause, so search will not be interfered with?

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


I guess you need to enclose the OR conditions in ( ) so new conditions are AND’ed with the whole block:

app_id = 6
app_id = 17 )

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
BiLe answered 3 years ago

Correct. Works!

Thank you.

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