Select 2 tag

QuestionsSelect 2 tag
german asked 10 years ago

Hi sir

Please send em select 2 tag sample

3 Answers
Christian Alberto answered 2 years ago

Hi Abu, I have implemented this function and TAGs works fine in my application….. but…. I get a 200 parse error when i try to change another field (User) that uses AUTOCOMPLETE. Even if I use diferents tables (in tags field and user field ) i get the same pase error, so it is nothing related to table blocking the same user table. When i delete the last tag AUTOCOMPLETE works fine again (dinamically)…. I did not need to save record…. so it only workd fine when no tags are included in the select field…   I saw it uses a Timeout function and maybe is something related to this .   Any idea of the origen of the problem?   THanks!!

Abu answered 2 years ago

Please share complete code for review and screen cast explaining the issue.

I’m unable to understand it completely by your provided question.

You can also email me at [email protected]

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