Select 2 Tags fields and export to Excel / PDF problem

QuestionsSelect 2 Tags fields and export to Excel / PDF problem
Alexander asked 8 years ago

I'm using Select 2 Tags in a field with the parameter $col["formatter"] = "select" to show values instead of keys in the column and it works fine. But when I export to Excel or PDF this doesn't work and keys instead of values are displayed.
I have read in other posts that this problem can be solved with the use of "on_render_excel" and "on_render_pdf" but I cannot find specific code to handle multi-select fields. Can anyone help, please? Thank you very much

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Please email me your existing code at [email protected]
I'll suggest the changes.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Emailed you working demos and screencast.

adrian answered 7 years ago

I have same problem with multi-select field (select 2 tag). When export in excel, I want to display values instead keys. If you can, please email me same working demos.
Thanks a lot!

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

This ticket work is still in progress.
We'll be updating it once ready.

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