select command is not working properly

Questionsselect command is not working properly
ram asked 12 years ago


i have downloaded free version of pgpgrid. The problem that i have is when i type custom SQL select command

example: "select * from table where somefield='something'; it works

But when i add date condition in where clause . eg: select * from table where somefield='something' and date between 'something' and 'something'.. it not working ….

Where is the problem?


4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Please debug using FAQs, Topic 1.

How-Tos & FAQs

Let me know if not resolved after that.

ajay c answered 11 years ago

Abu,this is a great product, but documentation can definitely get better. I got stuck at the same problem as above, & struggled for many hours, but could not resolve it. Finally, I have programmed what I needed without using the grid. However, if you care to advise on the solution, it may be helpful. thanks !

ajay c answered 11 years ago

further to the note above, i tried out using the phpgrid lite instead of phpgrid control with the same piece of code & the same select statement, & I found that the select statement works properly with the date in the where condition. so possibly there is some peculiarity that I am missing in being able to achieve the same grid via your application.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Ajay, thanks for the feedback. Better documentation is a desperate requirement.
If you can share your code at, and send me link for review.

There could be multiple reasons for it. One can also refer demo example-all.php when using WHERE clause in sql.

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