Select entire column and copy to clipbard

QuestionsSelect entire column and copy to clipbard
Mike Sheppard asked 2 years ago

I would like to be able to click a column (with a check-box perhaps) and have it copy the contents of that column to the clipboard, so that column of data could be used to paste into another report or file.

I have seen jQuery functions that can do-this, but I do-not know how to integrate those with PHPGrid.

Any suggestions?




5 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


This seems doable and I’ll try to prepare a demo for you.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Mike answered 2 years ago

Thanks for the update – I am hopeful you are able to come-up with a solution.

You already have an “onSelectRow” row-selection operation, so I was thinking an onSelectColumn would be logical and possibly something others could find useful.


Thanks again for the great product and the support.



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

I further reviewed how to do this. We will need some sort of dropdown option for each column (along with label) that will give option to copy all cells (like excel).

Another challenge is that if we just do copy on client side, It will only cover the selected page, and ideally it should copy all the pages column values in clipboard.

This seems longer than what I expected and there is no quick way in my mind right now.

I’ve added it in todos for the future releases.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Mike answered 2 years ago

Thanks for looking. I thought the same-thing when I looked at the double-click Row options. It’s possible, but likely a bit of work.

The main benefit to me is I have a lot of reports that accept a batch input, so it would be convenient to generate a list with one-report as a batch-input to another.

Thanks for looking.


Abu answered 7 months ago


I’m sorry but the feature you requested (excel like column selection for copy / paste) is not available.

The nearest solution right now is to export the grid in HTML and it will open the data in a new page and then copy paste the data you need.

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