select2 and autofilter

Questionsselect2 and autofilter
Sergio Pulido asked 10 years ago

By using "select2" the autofilter does not work, and I saw that in the demo does not work, is there any solution ?.
regars, Sergio Pulido.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Demo is updated now.
Latest lib build is required, which i am emailing you.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Select2 supports images in dropdown.
See -> Templating

In grid code, you can include templateResult: formatState like below and copy function as in select2 website example.

$('select[name='+id+'].editable, select[id='+id+']').select2({width:'95%', dropdownCssClass: 'ui-widget ui-jqdialog', templateResult: formatState});

Vygandas answered 10 years ago

Hello, Abu,

Select2 is working perfectly, just what I needed.
Is there any chance to integrate an image/jpg in dropdown ?

DEMO: (Combobox with icons)

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