Hi Abu,
I am trying to implement to select2 Tags object.
It sort of works, but not quite fully.
Here is the code:
Here are the screen shots:
1- First of all, in the "From" column, I would like the country name shown, not their ID.
I have tried to change the sql line 38 by adding "INNER JOIN crm_country cf ON cf.country_id = m.main_countries_from" at the end and "cf.local_name as main_countries_from" at the beginning of the statement, but it then only shown the records with a "From" country value, not the other ones.
2- Secondly, when using the search filter, it only works when a single country in saved in the "From" column… If there are more than one, then the filtering reports nothing.
I can provide you by email a link to the dev project so you can txt by yourself.
Sorry for the delayed reply.
The issue could be due to exact search (=) while using dropdown.
If you try contains search with that field, it should result all matching data.
With that column, you can try adding:
$col["searchoptions"]["sopt"] = array("cn");
Plus, to see country names instead of numeric ids, you can set:
$col["formatter"] = "select";
Hi Abu,
Thanks for this.
It almost work.
When editing a record with one or more countries, it shows "undefined" in the corresponding field.