send filters to another grid in the same page

Questionssend filters to another grid in the same page
Massimo Gagliardi asked 8 years ago

Hi Abu-
I have to pass the filters of a grid to another grid in the same page.
I use this code, in the event 'js_on_load_complete' the first grid:

var grid = $("#list1");
fltrs = $(grid).getGridParam("postData").filters;
if (fltrs!==undefined && fltrs!="" {
setTimeout(function () {
cgrid = $("#list2");
p = cgrid.jqGrid("getGridParam");
cgrid[0] = true;
cgrid[0].p.postData.filters = fltrs;

and it works well.

But I would like that the second grid can set other filters and that these added filters can be passed to the first grid.
But if I copy the above code in the event 'js_on_load_complete' of the second grid the script enters a loop.
Thanks in advance
Massimo Gagliardi

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

When calling this code from second grid, you can set some kind of global JS variable, e.g. var flag = 1;
and put whole code of first grid inside (!flag==1){ … }

Massimo answered 8 years ago

I done how your suggestion.
All ok.

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