Set up a bulk Email from Search Results

QuestionsSet up a bulk Email from Search Results
Ross Sabes asked 5 years ago


I am a PHP programmer but have limited experience with PHP Grid. I have a client whose database is build around PHP grid (FREE version). They would like to be able to send a bulk Email to clients based on the results of a filter in the grid. I am fairly adept at javascript and PHP. I know you can export the grid results. I also am reading the documentation on grid events. Is there some way via grid events or other API to work with the results in the grid? Can I get a more comprehensive example of how this might be achieved? I can manage the bulk Email part. I just want to understand how it may be possible to programmatically access the results of a search in the grid.

Thanks for looking.

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

A simple solution would be to follow ’email selected’ case of this demo:

Set event handler: line 132-133,
Email php code: 153-160
Create toolbar button: 218-227

This feature is supported in full version so i think your client need full version library. The free version is just for non-commercial / evaluation purpose.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Ross answered 5 years ago

Thank you for the information. This example should be close to what I am looking to achive. I have one followup questions if you could answer: Can I access (and send an email) to all of the results at once instead of the paginated/selected set? I want the user to be able to send an email an every row returned regardless if it on the current page in view. Thanks

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Yes, Refer line 230 and 161.

This demo updated all records with a value taken from JS prompt().
You can change it accordingly.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Ross answered 5 years ago

Hi, I am working on completing this project. In your last answer the demo is updating all of the records in the table without any select query. I don’t want to update all of the records in the table, I want to update all of the records in the current queried set regardless of pagination or a select box. For example, the user types something into the search field. 150 rows are returned from the filtered query. I need to be able to work with those 150 rows returned from the query.



Ross answered 5 years ago

I think I have figured something out that will work for me. I am use the \\\”on_export\\\” event to intercept an export and get the sql from the data parameter.

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