Set value from Something to NULL

QuestionsSet value from Something to NULL
Matt Shaw asked 2 years ago

I am unable to set a value from “Something” to NULL when using a database lookup.  My lookup includes a k value of NULL, and a v value of “—“.  The column (“sheet_scanner”) in table “booking” is of type integer, being a foreign key, but displays text from the foreign table (“contact”).

The problem is that the generated update query puts quotes around null i.e.  … sheet_scanner =

$col[“isnull”] = true;  doesn’t help

Full error message:

Couldn’t execute query. ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: “” LINE 1: UPDATE SET “sheet_scanner”=” WHERE “boo… ^ – UPDATE SET “sheet_scanner”=” WHERE “booking_date” IN (‘2023-03-10’)

The lookup is based on this view.  It ensures that ‘—‘ is first, followed by contacts ordered by last_name

create or replace view contact_vw as
select k, v from
(select contact_id as k, concat(first_name,’ ‘, last_name) as v, last_name from contact
select null, ‘—‘, ‘aaaaa’) x
order by last_name;



2 Answers
Mike answered 2 years ago

I may be mistaken, but if I understand what you’re trying to do, I think you need to use a custom On Update / On Add function to handle this. The PHPGrid may-not execute a NULL condition in this case.

I handle it by setting a custom Update query, then checking for a NULL / BLANK condition, then setting the Update Query appropriately.

If($sheet_scanner<>” && $sheet_scanner <> ‘NULL’) {
$s = “sheet_scanner = ‘$sheet_scanner’, “;
} else {
$s = “sheet_scanner = NULL, “;





Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago

Just to add a solution,

If you set value option as NULL:— it will try to put NULL value without quotes in update query.

$str = $g->get_dropdown_values("select distinct client_id as k, name as v from clients");
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>"NULL:;".$str);
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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