Set value of a field in a record in a grid before the edit form is displayed

QuestionsSet value of a field in a record in a grid before the edit form is displayed
Montemaggiore Sebastian asked 9 years ago

Hello Abu. My question is : is possible to set a new value to a field in a record in a grid before the edit form is displayed ?. Of course that field has a value because de grid is link to a table in my database, but the problem is that i donĀ“t want to to show that value because it is encrypted, and i want that the user can give a new value.
Thanks Abu.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

You can use afterShowForm event of edit form and reset the field value using JS as required.

$opt["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = 'function () { … }';

You can inspect the field id.using firebug and use jquery functions to disable / enable desired field.
To know jquery selector:

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