setting a column to a link breaks update

Questionssetting a column to a link breaks update
Scott Pratt asked 12 years ago

I have a column -primary key- set to display the id as a link to another column. -filename. That all works fine.

The problem is, when I try to update a field in a row, it builds the query with the html for the link instead of the id of the column.

The query generated is wrong. UPDATE myDb.myTable SET title='My new title etc…' WHERE sid = 'a href='http://localhost/mydir/?id=S11001.r1.tcw' S11001/a'

NOTE: I had to remove the lt and gt symbols wrapped around the start and stop of the a tags in order to avoid the "invalid characters" message generated by your forum sw.

Of course there is no sid = to the html for the link. So the update won't work.

Query should based on the original column id:

UPDATE myDb.myTable SET title='My new title etc…' WHERE sid = 'S11001'

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Currently there is a limitation that first column cannot be a link.
Alternate solution is to alias first column (e.g. id) with another field in select sql (link_id).
then make first column editable: true, hidden: true … and link_id as editable:false, hidden:false, with link formatter.

This is quickest way around i have in mind.

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