Show/Hide Columns with checkboxes

QuestionsShow/Hide Columns with checkboxes
Melissa asked 6 years ago

Hi. How do I show checkboxes in the show/hide columns modal? Right now it just highlights the columns that are visible where you can toggle between them. The example in ‘Alternate Row’ shows a lot more features than what I’m seeing. Also, notice that there’s two columns that are listed as null. Is that because their ‘search’ property is set to false? Thanks.

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7 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

For those column you want to hide (null = no title columns), you need to set:

$col[“hidedlg”] = true;

To have checkboxes, you need to include these JS/CSS files. LINE 161, 162

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Melissa answered 6 years ago


Scott answered 6 years ago

This appears to work only once, after that, when you click on columns a second time, it reverts back to the original format with highlighting, no checkboxes

Melissa answered 6 years ago

Yes, I’m experiencing the same issue as Scott.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Ok, i’ll be updating back after review.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Melissa answered 6 years ago

Hi Abu,

Any update on this issue? Thanks.

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

This ticket remain unanswered due to an issue on our side.

Please try using these CDN js/css files. Rawgit is closing and there could be issue in loading files from there.

CSS:[email protected]/multiple-select.css
JS:[email protected]/multiple-select.js

I tested it multiple times and unable to generate this issue.

Select Columns multiple times

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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