Skype Problem

QuestionsSkype Problem
Thom asked 9 years ago

Skype is automatically generating markup that the grid is trying to store in the database. This causes an error because the field is to small. Plus, I don't want the markup. I just want the phone number in the database.

Example: the database originally contains pure text: 832-469-60XX

When the grid loads, Skype adds its magic to the screen:
(S) 832-469-60XX '[(S) being the blue Skype symbol]

When edited the grid cell now contains the marked up phone number:

<span class="skype_c2c_print_container notranslate">832-469-6031</span><span id="skype_c2c_container" class="skype_c2c_container notranslate" dir="ltr" tabindex="-1" onmouseover="SkypeClick2Call.MenuInjectionHandler.showMenu(this, event)" onmouseout="SkypeClick2Call.MenuInjectionHandler.hideMenu(this, event)" onclick="SkypeClick2Call.MenuInjectionHandler.makeCall(this, event)" data-numbertocall="+18324696031" data-numbertype="paid" data-isfreecall="false" data-isrtl="false" data-ismobile="false"><span class="skype_c2c_highlighting_inactive_common" dir="ltr" skypeaction="skype_dropdown"><span class="skype_c2c_textarea_span" id="non_free_num_ui"><img width="0" height="0" class="skype_c2c_logo_img" src="chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl/call_skype_logo.png"><span class="skype_c2c_text_span">832-469-6031</span><span class="skype_c2c_free_text_span"></span></span></span></span>

Any ideas how to force the grid to block the Skype conversion. Having a Skypable number in the grid is great but not if it messes up the database.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Here you go,

Adding this on page: <meta name="SKYPE_TOOLBAR" content="SKYPE_TOOLBAR_PARSER_COMPATIBLE" />
will disable skype from grid page.

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