Hi all,
Please I have 3 doubts in phpgrid:
1) How can I sort my table (on grid load) by 2 or more columns?
2) How can I format numbers to display o,oo (to zero values), 1.111,11 (to positive numbers) and (1.111,11) (to negative numbers). In my VB grid I use, for example:
col.DataFormatString = "{0:#,##0.00; (#,##0.00); #.##}"
To zero, negative and positive numbers, in this order.
3) In add and edit buttons I can use my jqueyui dialogs? Have you a example?
Thank you!
Fábio Martins
1) https://phpgrid.desk.com/customer/portal/questions/1069597-sortorder-for-more-than-one
2) For display formatting, you can simply set
$col["formatter"] = "number";
$col["formatoptions"] = array("thousandsSeparator" => ",",
"decimalSeparator" => ".",
"decimalPlaces" => 2);
And for input boxes, you can check following faq entry.
Q) How to mask a field, for example like this: (NN) NNNN-NNNN ? N stands for number.
You can however, pick input jquery id selectors, and linking them using any lib.
for e.g. http://igorescobar.github.io/jQuery-Mask-Plugin/
Most likely, you would need to code it after show form event. for e.g. if ID of element id "date"
$grid["add_options"]["afterShowForm"] = 'function(formid) { jQuery("#total").mask("0,000.00"); }';
$grid["edit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = 'function(formid) { jQuery("#tatal").mask("0,000.00"); }';
3) You can have custom toolbar buttons (demos/appearence/toolbar-button) and in onclick event, call you jqdialog code.