Do you have any plans to support SQL “with” statements?
with tempTable as (select….)
select *
from tablleA
inner join tempTable on…
I’ve verified WITH clause on postgres database and it perform listing, search, sort, paging correctly.
with item as (select stco, ststyl, stssfx from ststyl00)
select * from pdpick00
inner join item on stco = pdco and pdstyl = ststyl and pdssfx = stssfx
Generates error:
Couldn’t execute query. Keyword AS not expected. Valid tokens: FULL LEFT CROSS INNER RIGHT EXCEPTION. SQLCODE=-199 – SELECT count(*) as c FROM (with item as (select stco, ststyl, stssfx from ststyl00) select * from pdpick00 inner join item on stco = pdco and pdstyl = ststyl and pdssfx = stssfx WHERE 1=1) pg_tmp
I’ve updated same demo code, you can set custom count query if grid is not generating correct, by this: