Does the system support call for a stored procedure on update/insert?
If not, can this be implemented maybe be setting an option like this:
$grid["add_options"]["insertaction"] = "stored_procedure_name";
$grid["add_options"]["updateaction"] = "stored_procedure_name";
The system will then change the inert/update behaviour from default "INSERT INTO table …." to "CALL stored_proecdure_name(var1,var2,var3,etc)";
Is this doable?
You can override default implementation of insert/update by using events on_insert and on_update.
If you want to skip default execution from phpgrid, you must set 3rd argument to false.
$e["on_insert"] = array("add_client", null, false);
$e["on_update"] = array("update_client", null, false);
Refer demos/edit/custom-events.php