subgrid & mysqli issue

Questionssubgrid & mysqli issue
Glenn asked 9 years ago

Hi Abu,

Your examples with subgrid are with mysql not mysqli.
When I try to get it working with mysqli it does not work.
Do you have any examples using mysqli?


6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I've emailed you sample/

Glenn answered 9 years ago

Thanks Abu,
That was perfect. It helped me understand what I was missing.


Ricardo answered 9 years ago

Hello All, good afternoon. Is it possible to send me some example working with mysqli? tks in advance. Rgds

migul answered 9 years ago

please demo master detail witd mysqli
(custom evente add edit mysql en subgrid)

and Search and with Multiple Group Conditions

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

We're in process of migrating all demos to mysqli.
It may take some time and will be available in upcoming version.

Please follow on g+ / twitter / rss for updates.

PS: @miguel, I'll be emailing you some converted demos for reference.

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