subgrid not working with balbooa gridbox theme

Questionssubgrid not working with balbooa gridbox theme
Birger Lehner asked 5 years ago


I am still facing 2 issues, where I can’t tell if it is template related or my fault. As you already know, I am using balbooa gridbox theme. Thank you for debugging. Grid + Subgrid does show now, after you sent me an edited core file. But…

  1. Subgrid shows “loading”. No data is being populated.
  2. Grid disappears, when I add an additional theme section below grid
3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Case resolved via remote ftp. Just to help others:

  1. Subgrid page need to accessed outside joomla. So i replaced URL to skip joomla index.php. Also code changes were required to read database config of joomla in detail grid page.
  2. require_once was not working. It is working if you use require function using sourcerer. May be its due to the gridbox plugin.
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
BiLe answered 5 years ago

Whau. Great Debug and great support.

Thank you.

I will explore what I can do now.


BiLe answered 5 years ago

May I ask. What do you mean by “require function”? I have checked the code with grid and subgrid and I noticed the config part in subgrid. But I am still using require_once with both grid and subgrid. My Joomla page also still uses require_once to include grid and subgrid.

Could you give an example?

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