subgrid parameter fetch

Questionssubgrid parameter fetch
Giovanni Luca Bonelli asked 10 years ago

I have a problem with a grid and and its sub_grid.
In the master grid code, I post one parameter:
$grid["subgridparams"] = "par";
In the sub_grid I fetch the parameter:
and then I use it for the sub_grid caption:
$grid["caption"] = $ord;
IT WORK FINE! The subgrid caption show posted parameter.

When I use the same parameter to set files upload directory
$col["upload_dir"] ="upload/".$ord."/".$nu."/rap"; // upload here
Upload directory became: "upload/"."/".$nu."/rap".
The variable $ord that contains fetched parameter is ignored while the other one $nu who contains a $_SESSION information is correctly used.

I don't understand why this behavior!
Please help me.
Tank You

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please replace $_POST with $_REQUEST.

Giovanni Luca Bonelli answered 10 years ago

It doesn't work! Same problem like $_POST 🙁

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You can try preserving that POST data in session and then use in grid config.


if (!empty($_POST["company"]))
$_SESSION["company"] = $_POST['company'];
$company = $_SESSION['company'];

Giovanni Luca Bonelli answered 10 years ago

Very strange, but it works.
Thank you!

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