summary on griid

Questionssummary on griid
juliano gomes weber asked 12 years ago

Can i make the summary with total, average, etc… in footer of grid?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Pasted from FAQs, let me know for more help.

##### Q) How to enable footer summary row?

Please do these changes to enable footer summary row.

Step1: Enable footer row in options

$grid["footerrow"] = true;


Step2: Add custom JS code as mentioned. 'list1' is the identifier for grid. In function 'getCol', 2nd param 'field1' is the name of column, which will show the summary data. Valid options for mathoperation (4th param) are – 'sum, 'avg', 'count'.

<div style="margin:0px;">
var opts = {

'loadComplete': function () {
var grid = $("#list1"),
sum = grid.jqGrid('getCol', 'field1', false, 'sum');
grid.jqGrid('footerData','set', {field1: 'Total: '+sum});

<?php echo $out?>

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