switch formater via url

Questionsswitch formater via url
Mario asked 8 years ago


I like to switch via URL between the editors via URL
I know already:

$col["hidden"] = (isset($_GET["pzn_ch"])?true:false);

The following does not work:
$col["formatter"] = (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"])?true:false);

Is there someting like a bool-function possible between. wysiwyg|nowysiwyg?

best regards

4 Answers
selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago

I mean I know already:

$col["hidden"] = (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"])?true:false);

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can conditionally enable html editor by this code:

if (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"]))
$col["formatter"] = "wysiwyg";

Please reply if you mean something different.

selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago

The principle is right. I implemented it like:
http://www.site.com/filename.php?wysiwyg=1 – to turn on
http://www.site.com/filename.php?wysiwyg=0 – to turn off

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Editor";
$col["name"] = "editor";

if (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"]))
$col["formatter"] = "wysiwyg";

$col["edittype"] = "textarea";
$col["editable"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;


Or this line in the head:

if (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"]))


May you help, to have the whole picture, please?

selectcase.biz answered 8 years ago

Test works: The switcher works in one direction.
If I want to switch off, how do I do it`?
I integrated it this way:

if (isset($_GET["wysiwyg"])) $col["formatter"] = "wysiwyg";
if (!isset($_GET["wysiwyg"])) $col["formatter"] = "textarea";

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