The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.

QuestionsThe page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Michael asked 9 months ago

Hi Abu,

I’m trying to validate some input and when the data is not correct, I only get this message “The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.”   I do not get the message I have specified to output:

if ($rs[“c”] > 0)
phpgrid_error(“This username is already in use either within your organisation or with another provider.”);

Any ideas why I get a generic message instead of the required message?




2 Answers
Abu answered 8 months ago



Please check php error log file present in webserver logs. It will tell the exact reason.

You can also share complete grid code for review along with error details from log.

David Menk answered 4 months ago

Hi Michael,

It sounds like there might be an issue with your error handling in the PHP script. When an internal server error occurs, it can prevent custom messages from being displayed. Make sure error reporting is enabled and check your server’s error logs for more details. If you need reliable hosting to avoid such issues, HostNoc offers cheap dedicated hosting that can provide better performance and support.

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