Timestamp in column

QuestionsTimestamp in column
SaschaL asked 12 years ago

select_command = "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`), `string` FROM `logs`";

How i'll get propper datetime-values in column formatted like this:

$col["formatter"] = "datetime";

In my example i'll get the values "undefined" in each row?

i use the free version of your awesome tool 🙂

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Kind regards

PS: Sorry for my bad english

1 Answers
SaschaL answered 12 years ago

– Given alias to column 'time'

"SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`) AS `Value`, `string` FROM `logs`"

– Use alias as ID in column

$col["name"] = "Value";

Works 🙂

Have a nice day!

Best Regards

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