
Frank asked 11 years ago

Dear Abu,
Is PHPGrid supported with treeGrid, or still in development progress? I looking for on your demo but not found. I have planned to buy when it's supported. Thanks.

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello Frank,

It is still not supported.
I'll publish on blog / g+ / twitter when ready.

You can follow them for update.

Frank answered 11 years ago

Dear Abu,
JQgrid library was updated on Trirand Website. Please visit
Click menu : Functionality->Add tree node

Your PHPGrid will valuable if TreeGrid is support. Then, I appreciated your PHPGrid, its very simple. I like it.


ROKOYAH AQUILERA answered 11 years ago

I'm looking for phpgrid that can display data in the form of Treeview. I am interested to buy it, but phpgrid not support. I wonder when the module is added?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I can't say it's near to be released. You can check alternate at

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