treegrid parent and hierarchical checkboxes

Questionstreegrid parent and hierarchical checkboxes
glb asked 12 months ago

Hi, it seems in treegrid example, that it’s possible to have only 1 parent row and all others must reported to.

It’s possible to have more than one parent row?

Furthermore, I need a column hierarchical checkboxes handling but treegrid documentations/examples are very poor.

Can you tell more about treegrid with checkboxes?

Thank you very much.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 12 months ago


1) More than one parent row is not doable in this version.

2) If you mean to show checkboxes as a data of each row, then you can format that specific column to be displayed as checkbox.

Demo: (refer ‘closed’ column name)

Code: (line 118)

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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