Trigger Conditional Format from script

QuestionsTrigger Conditional Format from script
Lars Erik Løvhaug asked 10 years ago


I have three grids, and I do a manual update of a count value in the main grid when I update the subgrid. There is conditional formatting of a cell in the parent grid.

Then I update the the subgrid, I also change the value of the parent field using javascript. I'd like to trigger the conditional formatting of that particular row, or for the whole grid if that's easier. Right now, it seems the formatting is rendered in the loadcomplete-trigger.
If the formatting was contained in it's own function or event, it could be possible to trigger it manually when requested.

Would this be possible?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You can reload parent grid on subgrid submit event. This will apply formatting again.

In subgrid, you can put following:

$grid["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); }";

where list1 is parent grid id.

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