Two Columns in get_dropdown_values

QuestionsTwo Columns in get_dropdown_values
Azhar Abdallah asked 8 years ago

Dear Sir,

Is there any way to have two columns in the get_dropdown_values. I have along list and need to show the ID No. with Name in the same dropdown.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can concat both fields in select query that you pass to get_dropdown_value.

Azhar Abdallah answered 8 years ago

Dear Abu Ghufran,

Thank you for your reply. The dropdown is work with two columns.

I use the following:

$str = $grid->get_dropdown_values("select distinct applicant_id as k, concat(applicant_id , ' – ', applicant_name) as v from applicants");

When add a new record i got "undefined" as a default value in the dropdown.

Is there anything wrong?

Best regards.

Azhar Abdallah answered 8 years ago

Dear Abu Ghufran,

Please disregard my comment above. I solve this issue.

Best regards.

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