Two Grids One Page

QuestionsTwo Grids One Page
Bruce Rick asked 8 years ago

I've went through the demo on Master Detail-> Multiple Grids and I've tried everything that I can but I'm still having a problem. I have two grids being created on the page and if I echo out either one of them by itself it displays fine. When I try it with both echoed outputs, my entire session in broken in my system and the second grid will not display. I end up having to log back into the system and try another change. Has anyone else run into this? It doesn't seem that it should be that difficult to have two grids. They are not being used as a master/child, just two grids on a page.

Thanks in advance,
Bruce Rick

1 Answers
Rick Gordon answered 8 years ago

I figured this one out. It has something to do with another part of the page, the logon check function on my site and not For some reason since there are two on the page, the session variables are getting blown away, probably because of reloading and maybe the function is missing something during the second grid loading.

Bruce Rick

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