two master to one subgrid

Questionstwo master to one subgrid
Jorge Neri asked 6 years ago

Hello Abu

Is it posible to pass info from three independent grids to add a new record on a forth grid with info from the three previous grids?

As a context, there are four tables:

grid A (table A contains -> “Adress of origin”)

grid B (table B contains -> “Adress of Destiny”)

grid C (table C contains -> “characteristics)

I want to generate a new record on a forth grid “D” (Table D) that combines info from the other three grids(table Ab and C)

is it possible?

thisi s the code that im using, but so far,  in the forth grid the toolbar is not enabled, like if it were specting that a master grid record be selected to enable the grid. I selected a record on all the grids(A,B and C) and  D still it is not anabled.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Pretty late reply, but yes this is doable.

GIven that your last table have ID fields which need to filled by selection of above 3 grids … What you can do is to connect ..

$opt[“add_options”][“afterShowForm”] = ‘function (form) { ………. }’;

And inside this function, you can read the selected row of each grid like:

var list1SelectedId = jQuery(“#list1”).getGridParam(‘selrow’); // returns selected row ID (first column)

and then set in your grid 4 fields, like:


Hope it helps.

Refer demos/appearance/dialog-layout.php for afterShowForm event demo.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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