Unable to perform grid related operation

QuestionsUnable to perform grid related operation
Sankar Biswas asked 12 years ago

Dear All,

I had download the evaluation copy of jqgrid_dist.php file and install it under my working folder.

I need to know what are the basic settings needs to be change.

My working folder is:- C:wampwwwADLEREPdemos

Under my working file, under "inc" folder i had placed jqgrid_dist.php file.
In my source code i had made changes as mentioned below:-

//$base_path = strstr(realpath("."),"demos",true)."lib/";

No output is showing.

Please assist me at earlier.

I need to show to my senior management people for this RAD tool.

Thanks and Regards,

Sankar Biswas


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Most likely, the path of JS and CSS files are not correct.
Kindly check for possible 404 errors in firefox > firebug (f12) or Chrome f12.

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