unchanged value doesn't post

Questionsunchanged value doesn't post
Cederic Van Herreweghe asked 12 years ago


when using cell edit I try to trigger an update statement.

When I change the value of the cell to another value the update runs fine.
When I let the value of the cell unchanged but just press enter, the update is not triggered.

Is there a way to accomplish this ?

Kind regards,


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


If the data is unchanged, there seems to be nothing to update to database, as i feel it is working as expected.
Can you explain more if you are trying something else.


Cederic Van Herreweghe answered 12 years ago

The editing of a cell (no matter if the value was changed or not) should trigger an update statement.
There is already correct values in my cells, but I forgot to trigger a series of calculations based on that value.
It would be quicker now to just select the cell and press enter to update all my records, instead of change first the value to something else and restore it to the original one.

Kind regards,


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Unfortunately, It is not doable with way you are trying.
The javascript component is coded in such a way (to optimize the server round trips)

Alternate, you can put a space after each value, and trim in callback handler.

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