Uninstalling PHPGrid on Web Server

QuestionsUninstalling PHPGrid on Web Server
Tony Wolsey asked 6 years ago

Hello Abu

I needed to reinstall my Web Server (Apache). I wanted to do a fresh install of PHP Grid also at the same time. I backed up the PHPgrid directory on my web server just in case and then proceeded to reinstall Apache.

I installed griddemo DB manually before proceeding with the clean install of phpgrid.

After that, I tried performing the clean install instructions for PHP Grid but the install would not work. The install kept on timing out when I tried to establish the db connection on the install page.

I ended up having to restore the backed up version of phpgrid directory to make it work again.

Is there a procedure for uninstalling phpgrid properly so that I can re-run the install again if needed?




7 Answers
Tony Wolsey answered 6 years ago

Is there a procedure for uninstalling phpgrid properly so that I can re-run the install again if needed or does it just involve removing the applicable directory?


thanks Tony

Tim Moore answered 6 years ago

The install creates a config.php file for logging into your database, and adds the demo data to your database (griddemo). Not sure why it is not working for you. Is the database being created? Perhaps its a permission problem when trying to write the config.php file?

Tony Wolsey answered 6 years ago

Hi Tim

I was pre-creating the config.php file (from the config.sample.php) with the necessary parameters already updated prior to running the install. Is this the problem? Should I just let the installation auto-create the config.php? Also, I was pre-installing the griddemo DB prior to running the install.



Tim Moore answered 6 years ago

I think, what you explained you have done manually, is all that the install.php does. it should essential be “installed”. I tried to run the install again and it fails. index.php does not bring up the demos? This might be a question for Abu if it still is not working.

Tony Wolsey answered 6 years ago

Hi Abu

Is there a procedure for uninstalling phpgrid properly so that we can re-install again if needed. It does not seem to work properly after re-install. The demos don’t display and any forms created previously do not work.



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

This ticket was answered via direct email.

To setup demos again, you can manually drop database named ‘griddemo’ and re-run install.php found in package after extracting in public_html.

If you get a max time limit error while running install.php, you can put this line at top of install.php – this will allow script to take required time to setup db.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Tony Wolsey answered 6 years ago

thanks Abu

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