Is it possible to do something like this where params are in one detail table and sql update acts on another table? Is there a better way to do this it does not seem to work?
$e["on_update"] = array("update_paytbl", null, true);
function update_paytbl($data)
$room_count = 0;
$hotel_cost = 0;
if($data["params"]["hotel"] == 'Holiday Inn'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate1"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate2"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate3"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
$hotel_cost = ($data["params"]["hotel_nbr_nights"] * 100.00)/$room_count;
$hotel_cost = number_format((float)$hotel_cost, 2, '.', '');
$str = "UPDATE hotel_pay SET hotel='".$hotel_cost."'
WHERE member_id = {$data["member_id"]}";
I guess, thats the simplest way.
You better debug the $data, $str and check the mysql_error() message.
function update_paytbl($data)
echo $str;
echo mysql_error();
You can see the output in firebug ajax call response.
Thanks Abu! After these (1 (2) (3) changes (please see below), the query works and the other detail table is updated.
Now, the only way I can "see" the changes in the other detail table is to manually click that grid's reload button. Is there a way to add a statement to the handler to reload the other detail table?
$e["on_update"] = array("update_paytbl", null, true);
function update_paytbl($data)
(1) $id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
(2) $data["params"]["member_id"] = $id;
$room_count = 0;
$hotel_cost = 0;
if($data["params"]["hotel"] == 'Holiday Inn'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate1"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate2"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
if($data["params"]["roommate3"] == 'Yes'){
$room_count = $room_count + 1;
$hotel_cost = ($data["params"]["hotel_nbr_nights"] * 100.00)/$room_count;
$hotel_cost = number_format((float)$hotel_cost, 2, '.', '');
$str = "UPDATE hotel_pay SET hotel='".$hotel_cost."'
(3) WHERE member_id = {$data["params"]["member_id"]}";
You can use onaftersave function callback.
// reload list1, after detail update
$opt["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); }";
I am also sending you updated lib and demo.
Thanks for the example and updated library.
Using the example, I added the callback before the set_options section within the section for the first detail grid (list2). However, I need to reload the second detail grid (list3), so I changed the function to…
$opt["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ jQuery('#list3').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); }";
Unfortunately, this doesn't reload that grid (list3).
Also, the new library resulted in replacement of the "icons" in the inline edit Action column with text links. Should that be happening?
I don't know what possibly could be the reason, as i sent your working example after testing.
You can share the code (using I'll recheck it.
For icons, goto jqgrid_dist.php, and search for actionicon and set
$this->internal["actionicon"] = true;
Could you please send me the working demo of Grid Reload discussed above?
Talha (line 67)
// reload parent on update
$grid["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); }";
// reload parent on add
$grid["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); return [true, ''];}";
You can replace list1 with the grid id which you want to reload.