Upgrade issue from v1.5 to v.20

QuestionsUpgrade issue from v1.5 to v.20
Greg asked 9 years ago


I have a page that has 4 tabs on it with a grid in each tab.

In v1.5 this works fine and renders correctly, in v2.0 when more than two tables are on the page, the page becomes unresponsive and does not load correctly.

I have made no code changes, merely pointed the page to the libraries.

In each grid there is maybe 5 – 10 records (at most).

Is there a patch for this? I can send screenshots.

Thank you – Greg.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I am sending you latest build, kindly recheck after update.
Screenshots would help if issue does not resolve.

Greg answered 9 years ago

Hi – I emailed back with the code… this did not work… everything was frozen again.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


Please update if your issue is resolved.
No answer from your side after emails.

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