upgrade to bouht version

Questionsupgrade to bouht version
Marcus asked 10 years ago

Dear ladies and gentleman,

i bought the software and try to get it from Lite to full version, the Lite version haven't had a lib-folder, but the full version does, before i had only had a js-directory, now with the full version there came a lib-directory with the js- and inc-subfolder below. Even the documents which came with the software package didn't help me to find the files which need to be changed according to the lib-folder path. I think after these changes are done, the full version will be activated, but which file(s) is/are concerned???

Any help or advice is appreciated because i tried for a long time now to get this to work und to get the fullfunctionality.

thank you (from Germany)

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


The free version and full version of phpgrid.org has 'lib' folder.

There could be a confusion, phpgrid.org is different from phpgrid.com so make sure you are contacting correct vendor.

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