Upload File

QuestionsUpload File
Rheal asked 9 years ago


I have the Upload option working and it puts the files into the "uploads/$userID" folder.

Is there a way to allow them to upload multiple files?

Can someone help?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


I am working on this feature, and will update you once ready. I am trying to integrate core html multiple upload function (not using any lib).


Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Hello Rheal,

This feature is ready and i am emailing you update for review.
It uploads all selected files in specified folder and set comma separated file names in posted array field to be saved in db.

One can use on_insert, on_update to separate them and save in separate table if required.

Let me know the results.

Rheal answered 9 years ago

Thank You I will give it a try 🙂

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