Use Filtered Data on another page

QuestionsUse Filtered Data on another page
Azhar Abdallah asked 9 years ago

Dear Abu,

I would like to ask for the possibility to use a filtered grid data in another php file.

I have custom word export file and I need to export the data which comes from the Grid (i.e #list1).

Hope to find a solution.

Best regards.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


In your custom file, you can use session variable,

$where_part = $_SESSION["jqgrid_list1_filter"] … where list1 is grid id.
This variable contains where conditions to be applied on select_command query.

Usually it contain data like: field = 'abc' AND field2 = 'xyz' and you can append it with "select ….. where 1=1 $where_part"

Hope it help.

Azhar Abdallah answered 9 years ago

Hello Abu Ghufran,

it works like a charm!

Many Thanks and best regards.

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